In January 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto launched the bitcoin protocol. At that time the first viable cryptocurrency had arrived in the world globally.

Cryptocurrency is a new type of money that is completely different from traditional currency. Its mode of operation is different.

It is a virtual currency. This means that no cryptocurrencies are coins or notes. That's why you can't even keep them in your pocket.

Cryptocurrency is any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to secure transactions.



It is created and released uniquely. They are not controlled or operated by a central bank or government.

Cryptocurrencies are usually issued through a technical process. It is a digital payment system. Thinking of profit in this, more business is done.

It is stored in a digital wallet. Funds transferred from cryptocurrency are recorded in the public ledger.

Cryptocurrency uses encryption to verify transactions. Its purpose is to provide safety and security.



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